Open hours for center
Every Thursday | 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Sunday Satsangs
10-11 AM Satsang preceded by meditation from 9.00 – 9:45 AM followed by | In person
Prayer | Chanting | Meditation | Affirmation | Inspirational Talk
Venue: 3rd floor, plot no. 334, TNGO’s Colony, (above Impetus AI Solutions) Beside ‘Q’ City Building, Maninagar, Manikonda Jagir, Gachibowli,78.333427

Book Reading
Please join us for book reading “Autobiography of a Yogi “
Day: Every Wednesday
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM | Online
Please join on Zoom link given below –
Meeting ID: 829 1843 8189
Passcode: 874619

Thursday Online Meditation
Meditation on Thursdays
12 PM – 12:30 PM
Please join us!
This will be a great opportunity to come together and meditate 😇
Please join on the zoom link given below –
Meeting ID: 872 1562 4296
Passcode: 932308